Tips to Keep You Motivated

Tips to Keep You Motivated

by  March 8, 2023 0

Here are some Encore Fitness tips to keep you motivated on your fitness journey with Carol Strom. With her wealth of experience and expertise, Carol empowers readers to overcome obstacles, stay committed, and achieve their health and wellness goals. Get ready to unlock the secrets to lasting motivation and unleash your full potential with Carol Trom’s expert guidance.

Tip #1: Intense training increases post-exercise fat burning

Many people think slow, prolonged exercise is the best way to burn fat and get lean. That is understandable because the body uses mainly fat as fuel at rest and exercise intensities less than 65% of maximum capacity. It is not that simple! Well-controlled Canadian studies showed that people who exercise intensely are leaner and lose fat faster than people who do low-intensity, prolonged exercise. University of Wisconsin researchers helped clear things up when they found that exercise intensely burned more fat after exercise than low intensities. You will control body fat better if you pick up the pace when you run, cycle, walk, or swim (Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 34: 1757-1765, 2002).

Tip #2: Don’t Skip Breakfast

Many people trying to lose weight skip breakfast so they can save calories. Big Mistake! The hunger signal can be so powerful you can overcompensate and eat too much the rest of the day. Breakfast eaters burned up more calories during the day – probably because they had more energy. Eating breakfast particularly if it contains some protein, can hold off hunger for hours. Aminos act as tiny blood sugar time-release capsules that can keep you from overeating (Obesity Res. 10: 78-92, 2002). A high-quality protein drink is recommended with carbohydrates for breakfast.

Tip #3: Nutrient Timing For Athletes and Everyday Exercisers

Pre-Exercise – The pre-exercise meal for a resistance training exerciser should include carbohydrates and protein (approximately 50 g carbs and 14 protein) 1 1/2 – 2 hours before training (Kleiner, 2001). Athletes might try a pita pocket with hummus or a bagel with low-fat cream cheese and some dried fruit.

Post-Exercise – Refueling with carbohydrates after a workout is essential. An absolute recommendation is to consume at least 50 g of carbohydrates and 10 – 15 g of protein with fluid within 15 – 30 minutes after the session (Kundrat, 2005).

Tips to Keep You Motivated


Tip #5: Why high carbohydrate diets / high insulin promote fat gain

Athletes need plenty of carbs to fuel high-intensity exercise. If you do not use the carbs for fuel, they trigger large increases in the hormone insulin, which promotes fat deposits, particularly in the abdomen. Researchers at Jolin Diabetes and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston found that high insulin levels stimulate fat storage. People trying to lose fat should eat fewer processed carbs and more low-sugar/glycemic carbs (Dev. Cell., 3: 25-38, 2002).

Tip #6: Low Sugar/Glycemic Index: Important for weight loss and health

High glycemic index foods are high in simple carbs and cause rapid increases in blood sugars and have higher risks of colon and breast cancer. Low glycemic index foods enter the system more slowly because they contain more fiber and fat, which slows their absorption, and have a lower risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. It is best to restrict simple sugars and include more fiber (Am.L. Clin. Nutr. 261s-298s, 20).

Tips to Keep You Motivated

Tip #7: Cancer Linked to Body Fat

Excess body fat acts like a hormone gland that secretes growth factors into the blood. These chemicals trigger cancer cell growth. This is not a problem in a person with normal body fat because the tissue releases only small amounts of growth-stimulating hormones. Increase body fat and the hormone pumps go into overdrive. Hormone related cancers include those of the testes, prostate, breast, and ovaries. In both genders, high insulin secretion is linked to cancer growth in many tissues. Even being a few pounds overweight boosts cancer risk and the risk increases as body weight increases (American Institute of Cancer Research, July 11, 2002).

Tip #8: Lack of exercise more Dangerous than Obesity

According to a 7-year study of 5,000 Chicago area women conducted by researchers at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, the more physically fit the women, the longer the life span. Those who were not fit, no matter what they weighed, were 1.7 times more likely to die earlier than women fit enough to run 5 mph. The results were even more dramatic for men. Research published in the Annals of Epidemiology conducted on 9,000 men ranging in age from 35 to 79 showed that the least active of subjects had 38% more heart disease-related deaths and twice the risk of dying as their more active counterparts no matter what they weighed.

Tip #9: Whey protein speeds fat loss during exercise

According to studies by the University of California, Berkeley, scientist Dr. George Brooks, the body uses carbohydrates as fuel whenever you exercise above 65% of maximum effort. If you take in carbs before exercise, you increase insulin, which decreases your ability to use fats as fuel. If you don’t have carbs available, your body breaks down muscle tissue so the liver can use the amino acids to make new blood sugar. French scientist found that giving a pre-exercise meal composed of whey protein increased lean body mass and decreased body fat. Taking in a whey protein supplement 30 minutes before your workout might be a good strategy because it will provide plenty of amino acids for muscle to fuel the liver, which can be used to make blood sugar. And it keeps insulin levels low, so you can still break down fats (Am J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab., 283: E565-E572, 2002).

In conclusion, your fitness journey is not just about exercise; it’s also about optimizing your nutrition and understanding how your body responds to different types of fuel. From intense training to nutrient timing and the importance of maintaining a balanced diet, every aspect plays a crucial role in achieving your fitness goals.

With these tips in mind, take action today to propel yourself closer to your fitness goals. Your journey to a healthier, stronger you, starts now!

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